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Interactive Map of BlueBike Stations in Boston Subdistricts

Data is from my favorite website, Analyze Boston (City of Boston's open data hub). Created with the tmap library on "view" mode, which I later learned is just a repackaged version of leaflet, a javascript library. Exported using htmlwidgets, but edited source code to use CDN for better load time + had issues with hosting on GitHub pages.

Thought this was a good start for my first project creating an interactive map + layering data! I think next time I would either learn leaflet from scratch or use a different language (other than R), since the map is very laggy, uses a crazy amount of RAM, and just not at all user-friendly (or coder-friendly, for that matter).

I still think the final result is cool, though! The colors represent different districts and each blue dot is a BlueBike station (as of 2022). Hover to see the name of each neighborhood. Really neat that the stations are spread down the main road to Hyde Park.

View map in full screen!